Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In history we are learning about Hitlers Germany.
In the year 1933 Hitlers Nazi Party came to power. Hitler wanted to strengthen his position and he wanted to remove all parties who opposed him. Hitler basically had two major opponents, internal and external. The external opponents were the communists and the internal opponents were the S.A. storm troopers his personal body guards and thugs. In that same year a man named Van Der Lubbe, an arsonist, set fire to the Reichstag building. Hitler had finally got his opportunity to remove the communist party. He termed Van Der Lubbe as a communist and the communists were blamed for the Reichstag Fire. Six days after the fire he set up elections for Chancellor of Germany. 17 million people had voted for Hitler while 20 million had voted against him. But sadly the communists were put down because of the fire. After he was voted Chancellor he invited the communists to the Opera house where he shot down all the communists. Now that he had gotten rid of his external opponents he was aiming to get rid of his internal opponents, the S.A. storm troopers. While they were asleep he shot them all. Then he set up the Gestapo also known as the Secret Police. They were everywhere in shops, in factories, blocks of flats even in schools. They arrested rebels, Jews and sent them to concentration camps. Hitler seemed to building a powerful and prosperous Germany.

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